I, Daniel Blake

Ali I Daniel BlakeI, Daniel Blake is the most moving film I have  watched  in years. The reviews on the front cover say it all. It is a sadly realistic film with no melodrama, violence or sex but it had me crying when I am not a crier!  It is amazing that a film around the tedium and frustration of dealing with bureaucracy and the tragedy that can result, can have such an effect. It touches something deep within and  reminds us that we could easily find ourselves in this vulnerable position in this harsh world.

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One thought on “I, Daniel Blake

  1. Clare August 14, 2017 / 11:50 am

    I absolutely loved the film too Ali. I, Daniel Blake illustrates how easily someone can be trapped by red tape and a system that doesn’t allow for any grey areas. I was so angry, sad and moved by Daniel’s expererience and am sure that this happens so frequently here in Australia too.

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